I woke up this morning to a message from my sister about our cousin and a post he made. The post was about yet another documentary done by a radical religious, not person of color man who is now the expert on the transgender experience. The trailer to said documentary is filled with interviews of folks who only agree with this person’s radical right view. And, of course, the only folks interviewed in said documentary are folks who have regrets about their transition and have detransitioned.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I am all for folks who have transitioned and then find that this is not right for them choosing to detransition. Do I wish they would have discovered this truth before having major surgery? Absolutely! And here’s the thing, they were all considered adults when they had these surgeries. But the documentary continually leads one to believe that these folks are too young to make such a permanent choice. And that parents are “afraid” to take their kids who are “confused” to the doctors for fear of the healthcare practitioner forcing surgery on these young people.
I know as a transgender person that my healthcare team NEVER forced transition on me. I know that many other people who are transgender and have had surgeries were also educated on all of the possible side effects etc., regarding their transition. And if they were not, then who should be held responsible?
This documentary perpetuates the lie that young people are having these surgeries and are not old enough to be “making this decision,” and that is just a flat-out lie. I can provide you with parent after parent who will tell you that they were told repeatedly that their child would NOT have surgery until they were old enough to make this choice. Doctors will provide hormone blockers, which, yes, do come with some risks, but they are NOT having surgery.
This film and its creator are literally BANKING on religious fear and lies, and it is causing real harm to those of us who are VERY HAPPY with our transition. Who have ZERO regrets about the choices we made as adults. And who are living lives we love and thriving as a result. I am ONE of those people.
I know it is highly unlikely that my cousin will read this post. He is likely only here to post things that further support lies and perpetuate harm being done by the religion he believes in. The religion he took an oath to. And what is sad is that his beliefs are so archaic, outdated, and completely missing the point. He is still perpetuating the lie of the religious organizations and colonizers who came and tried to disseminate my people. He is not native like me, but the irony isn’t lost on me that he may still believe that as long as I adhere to the rules of colonization, then I shall be saved. That is only if I keep the savage in my under wraps, then I am right with his lord. Well, guess what? It is the savage in me that kept me alive all these years!
I do not need to be fixed. None of us do. We are not broken. I do not need to adhere to the colonizer code to be able to live a life I love and thrive. I have always believed that organized religion has strayed from the message that their flour Jesus was trying to send. And how quickly leaders in those religions forget that we are all made in the image and likeness of said person. And yet he was still nailed to a cross. We will continue to kill folks like me with this rhetoric. The very folks they continue to claim they’re trying to protect. The hypocrisy of it all!
If you want to support my making a documentary that DOESN’T perpetuate lies support my Patreon page. I have more than 4k followers here on FB. If each of those folks signed up for $5 a month, I could quit my full-time job and make documentaries like this a-hole who created his doc and tell the TRUTH. So please consider contributing today. https://www.patreon.com/SpeakingOfHappy
Here is an image of me using the LENSA app. Making me look all dashing and heroic. You’re welcome.