March 19, 2020
Below is a post I made on Facebook as I was sitting with all that is swirling around COVID-19 pandemic and the words of the current occupant of the white house laced in racism and hate as he keeps referring to the virus in juvenile ways that are fostering racist acts by his base.
I have long been a believer in treating all folks with dignity and respect and when I keep hearing him make these racist references I could no longer sit idly by and say nothing. This is what I had to say.
I just keep reflecting on the difficulties and discrimination I have faced throughout my life and I can not help feeling like it was all to prepare me! To make me stronger. To give me the language and experience to speak up and out against the evils I see in the world today.
The wisdom of my ancestors can be felt deep in my being.
I have felt this pretty much my entire life. I wrote about it on my website over a year ago as I have begun doing the work of unpacking the multiple levels of trauma I have endured.
Processing it in a variety of ways. Gaining additional knowledge and awareness as I have literally devoured so many books on racism. Written not only by indigenous, black and brown authors but white people who also uplift the words of folks like me.
I have engaged with folks like me who have felt it too. We have come together to UNITE our efforts in uplifting the knowledge and awareness of others around us.
One day many years ago after a particularly insightful session with my then therapist.
I talked about the deep desire to burn it all down. To begin anew and allow myself to live my life with more freedom to be me without guilt or shame. (I had yet acknowledged out loud with anyone that I believed I was not expressing my true gender identity).
I remember sobbing as I realize this power within me. I left the session with a sense of renewal. Standing taller, more confidently.
I had to pick something up at the mall so I went there after collecting myself and drying my eyes. I walked past a frame and art store and this large painting caught my eye!
It was a prairie on fire with two natives on horseback in the distance. I was drawn into the store to look at it. The colors were so vibrant and beautiful. Then I read the info from the artist about the painting which was called RENEWAL I believe.
It said: Natives used to burn the land and fields after harvest time as well as to help create healthy plants for animals the animals. They saw improved plant growth after a fire and how the animals they hunted gravitated to this new growth. They used fire to manage the grasslands and ensure the herd health of the animals they hunted. As well as the crop returns due to the improved growth used to feed their people.
I stood there, bawling in the art store. I took it as a sign I was on the right path. So today, when I say BURN it all down it is more of a metaphor for cleansing ourselves so there will be NEW growth for us as individuals as well as communities to bring us together as opposed to tearing us apart.
Won’t you please join me in this effort?
Please respond with a story and or commitment you are willing to make to end bigotry and hate.
When I finished writing I went to go and read my daily Elder’s meditation that I get via email from and what it said blew me away. It spoke of the deep wound in people. The wound is caused by being cut off from the source of their being. And that being is Earth Mother. If we are disconnected from Earth Mother we are disconnected from everything. We then will experience great pain. The only way to heal is to reconnect. Staying connected should be our priority. Aho, Eagel Heart

#Renewal #Transformation #LoveAndKindness #Unite
#BurnItAllDown #RevolutionNow #Awakening #TwoSpirit #ELI2S #ThisIsMe #WeAreAllLeaders #BeTheChange #BeYou #BeStrong #SpeakingOfHappy #TransLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #EndIce #ImmigrantLivesMatter #FreeThePeople #MyAncestry #DecendantOfWarriors #IAmAWarrior #WarEagle #MenomineeStrong #MenomineeNation #Indigenous